Instant Tents Make Setup a Breeze

Instant tents are exactly as their name implies. They can be set up in a flash! 

When I think of the ideal camping trip, a bit of setup comes to mind for me. I enjoy the whole process of a camping trip and a little work is part of the adventure. And although I may be ok with a little setup, I don’t enjoy spending the whole first evening setting up the campsite while the rest of the family is enjoying OUR vacation.

Luckily, camping gear has evolved as much as anything else in our day to day life. The days of piecing together tent poles and fumbling as they get stuck in the tent fabric are behind us. Time consuming and difficult setups requiring two or more people to complete are no longer necessary.

Instant tents have been the revolution that camping enthusiasts both new and experienced have been desiring. They make setup quick and easy. Whether you’re on a family vacation at the local campground and want to get to the relaxing part of the trip, or you’re on a backpacking excursion and don’t have time for lengthy setups, instant tents provide the solution for all.

camping, camp, adventure

Instant Tents Setup

Instant tents generally come with one of two setup mechanisms; the hydraulic style opening mechanism, or the pop up tent. 

Hydraulic style instant tents will open in one of two ways. They will either open at the pull of a drawstring or by the outward pressure of spreading the tent roof. Once the roof of the tent has been opened the tent poles can be extended to provide the full height of the tent. The tent poles will then lock into place.

Pop up tents are released by simply removing the tent from the carrying bag and applying a quick shake to the tent itself, which causes it to open up. It can then be moved into its desired location on the ground and can easily be moved around if need be.

In both cases, the tent can then be staked into the ground to restrict it from moving. And that is the whole process of installing an instant tent in a nutshell. But choosing the right one for you is another story as there are many varieties to choose from with all having different options and amenities.

Types of Instant Tents

When we talk about instant tents there are two basic types to look at; the dome tent and the cabin tent. In both cases the main objective is quick setup and take down. In order to achieve this, whether it is a dome style or cabin style, the tent poles will be pre assembled to the tent fabric so there is no assembling individual poles and connecting to the tent structure.

Dome tents most likely resemble the picture in your head when you think of your standard camping tent. They come in all different sizes and the roof is in the shape of a dome as their name suggests.

Cabin tents resemble more of a sun shade tent with walls. They are typically square on the outside with more vertical walls. Since the walls are close to vertical, the height inside the tent can be much taller than with dome tents. The roof of the tent will have a peak in the center and will be much more flat in comparison to a dome tent. The tent and roof itself might resemble a small house.

Comparison of Instant Tent Styles

Whether you select a cabin style or dome style instant tent will depend on a few different factors and individual needs. Things such as the number of people sleeping in the tent, the amount of gear to store in it, and the type of camping trip you plan to take will all be important factors.

Dome Tents

Dome tents are made in size ranges from one person to eight person tents and are very versatile. They often come in small, light carrying bags which make them ideal for light packing and backpacking trips. 

Their dome shape allows for better aerodynamics in resisting wind pressures if you’re camping in an open area or area where high winds are normal. 

In order to achieve this aerodynamic shape and to ensure that they are light and small, the roof height inside needs to be kept to a minimum. This means that if you’re looking for a lot of head space inside the tent, you likely won’t find what you need in a dome tent.

One advantage to having less head room and a smaller living space is that smaller tents are usually much warmer than larger tents. This might make them more optimal for cold weather camping. 

Tent poles are often made of flexible fiberglass which is lightweight and allows the poles to bend for compact storage and shape of the structure.

Cabin Tents

Cabin tents most often come in sizes from four person to eight person and offer a more luxurious accommodation as opposed to dome tents. This style resembles more of a mini house than a traditional style tent. Comfort and space are the key priorities with the cabin tent.

The walls on a cabin tent are near vertical, meaning that there is less wasted space inside the tent. The ceiling height inside the tent is also much more spacious, often available in heights of six or seven feet which is great for even your tallest family members. 

Because these tents have more available height, they can also come with more options. Options like a screened in porch room for a place to sit and relax away from the bugs or to sleep on a warm breezy night.

The Downfalls of Large Cabin Tents

Comfort itself comes with a cost though. All of that extra room means that more materials are needed to construct the tent. And as the tent grows in size, stronger and heavier tent poles are needed to hold it up. Poles are often made of durable steel that can both hold the weight of the fabric and provide additional support against winds.

This means more room needed to pack, and a heavier load to bring. For these reasons, cabin tents are better suited for family camping trips to the local campground. 

What to Look for in an Instant Tent

While size, shape and weight will dominate the important factors when choosing a tent, there are many additional items that often get overlooked until you are on your first trip and realize that something important to you is missing.


Tents can quickly become saunas, especially when they are placed in the direct sun on a hot summer day. Windows will allow airflow to help regulate the temperature inside to a much more comfortable level. 

In addition, the more windows that are available, the better views you will have from inside the tent.

Due to the relative size and shape of dome style instant tents, windows will likely be few and any that are available might be smaller than you hoped for.

In comparison, cabin style instant tents can have very large windows and doors which will promote excellent airflow and views to the outside.


Having good roof vents will also promote airflow but more importantly will reduce the chances of condensation building on the ceiling. 

At night when the air outside is cooler and you’re asleep in the tent breathing out hot air, the air from your breath will rise to the ceiling. Without large enough vents in the ceiling for the warm air to escape, condensation will form on the ceiling and drip back down onto the floor of the tent.

While both styles of tent will have vents, the cabin style will typically have larger vents with better air circulation.


It is very important that tents are made of high quality fabrics that are waterproof and lightweight. Waterproof polyester is the most common material used in the production of tents as it checks off both boxes.

Some tents might be made of canvas, although these will be heavy and are usually used for winter camping tents.

When looking at new tents, the seams should be sewn to the inside of the tent to ensure better waterproof capabilities. In some instances, the seams might also be taped for additional reinforcement for waterproofing. 

Also, check the flooring material to ensure that it is durable and waterproof to prevent water from seeping in and making a mess.

Storage, Lighting and Extras

These are the items that  really get overlooked and probably won’t bother you too much of you’re missing some. But they really can improve the convenience of your tent of choice. 

Look for storage pockets within the tent to make sure there are enough of them to store your small items like keys and lighters.

Check for hooks in the ceiling of the tent that can be used to hang a small lantern or flashlight for evening lighting. Whether you’re inside reading a book or just looking for gear, it is always nice to have that overhead lighting system.

Some tents will have a small opening near the bottom corner where an extension cord can be inserted to provide power from a generator or solar panel. If you plan to use power, this will be an added bonus so that you don’t have to leave a door open for the cord.

Final Thoughts on Instant Tents

There are so many options to choose from when picking an instant and the final decision will depend on your individual needs. 

No matter which type you select, the installation and take down will be easy, allowing you to spend more time enjoying your camping trip and less time working on setup.

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